Your Hotel On Instagram & Google - WithZero Ad Spend

Your Hotel on Instagram & Google—With Zero Ad Spend

Let Sail cover all your advertising costs while you pay only for bookings. Experience AI-driven campaigns that drive direct reservations, risk-free.

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See the Success: Real Results for Real Hotels:

500-Key Showboat Hotel: Boosting Bookings in Atlantic City, NJ


The iconic 500-key Showboat Hotel in Atlantic City, previously not active on Instagram, launched campaigns with us, resulting in a significant increase in bookings, boosting revenue and exposing the untapped potential of Instagram for enhancing hotel visibility and profitability.

Hotel image


Additional Reservations
In just 2.5 months of collaboration with Sail, Showboat has not only generated almost half a million dollars in additional revenue but also achieved over 1,260 extra reservations exclusively through Sail's targeted campaigns.


Average Reservation Revenue
Through Sail's campaigns, Showboat experienced a remarkable 69% uplift in the average revenue per reservation compared to their overall bookings.


Additional Revenues
In just 2.5 months since partnering with Sail, Showboat has generated almost half a million dollars in additional revenue exclusively from Sail's campaigns, off-season!

We had a feeling you might ask

Got a question? We've got answers. If you have some other questions, book a call with us to find out more.
1. Which channels will my hotel appear on?

Your hotel will be showcased on essential channels such as Instagram, Facebook, Metasearch platforms, and Google Search. We focus especially on Instagram and Facebook, which are often overlooked by hotels not yet leveraging them. Our targeted campaigns ensure your property achieves maximum visibility, attracting potential guests and significantly boosting your direct bookings.

2. Can Sail integrate with my current hotel management system?

Yes, our platform is designed to integrate smoothly with any hotel management system you currently use. This ensures a hassle-free setup process and allows you to start seeing results from our campaigns without needing to change your operational systems.

3. What is the pricing model?

Our pricing model is uniquely designed to be straightforward and cost-effective for our clients. We charge a commission only on the bookings we generate, with no hidden fees. Unlike traditional marketing services, we cover your ad spend, meaning there are no setup fees, no retainer fees, and no additional costs for ad placements. Our goal is to make high-quality, AI-driven marketing accessible to hotels, allowing you to increase your direct bookings and revenue without worrying about upfront costs or complex fee structures.

4. Do you only work with independent hotels?

Typically, yes, we can only assist hotels that have their own website (or can grant us access to their network's websites to install our technology). Therefore, usually, flag hotels or Airbnb-style accommodations cannot work with us due to the specific access and customization our technology requires.

5. Are there any long-term commitments or contracts with Sail?

No, we operate without long-term contracts or commitments. Our goal is to prove our value through results, not lock you into lengthy agreements. You only pay for the successful bookings we generate.

6. What makes Sail different from other hotel marketing companies?

Sail stands out due to our AI-driven marketing campaigns and our unique financial model where we cover the ad spend. This approach, combined with our focus on direct bookings and seamless integration with any existing systems, ensures enhanced visibility and profitability for our clients.

7. How can I measure the success of my campaigns with Sail?

Sail offers a live dashboard that grants you real-time access to all your campaign data and metrics. This powerful tool allows you to monitor booking rates, revenue increases, and overall campaign performance at a glance, ensuring you have the insights needed to evaluate the success and ROI of our collaborative efforts effectively.

8. How does Sail cover the ad spend for campaigns?

We invest in your success by covering the ad spend for your campaigns upfront. This allows us to launch impactful marketing strategies without immediate cost to you, ensuring we're aligned with your goal of increasing bookings and revenue.

9. What results can I expect from partnering with Sail?

Hotels partnering with Sail have seen an average increase of over 30% in direct bookings, significant uplifts in average reservation values, and substantial additional revenue, all within just a few weeks of initiating our campaigns.

10. How does Sail’s AI technology work to improve my hotel’s bookings?

Our AI algorithms aggregate live campaign data to continually refine audience targeting and optimize ad efficiency. This dynamic learning system improves campaign performance over time, driving higher booking rates and revenue.


Secure your discovery call

We'll discuss seamless integration with your systems, visibility on key platforms, and our no-fee policy. Discover how to elevate your hotel's direct bookings efficiently.
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See the Success: Real Results for Real Hotels:


110-Key Plymouth Hotel: Boosting Bookings in Miami Beach

The Plymouth in Miami Beach tapped into an untapped marketing channel, witnessing a remarkable increase in bookings and significantly boosting its revenue. This strategic move elevated the average reservation value by 38.6%, demonstrating the immense potential of targeted campaigns to transform hotel performance.

Hotel image


Additional Reservations
The targeted approach resulted in 217 extra reservations, illustrating the substantial increase in booking volume attributable to optimized marketing efforts.


Average Reservation Revenue
Through targeted campaigns, Plymouth Miami Beach saw a notable 38.6% uplift in the average reservation value, showcasing the effectiveness of precise marketing strategies.


Additional Revenues
In just three months, these strategic campaigns generated an impressive additional revenue of $190,004, underscoring the transformative impact on the hotel's bottom line.
Meet Our Boutique Hotel Family
Meet Our Boutique Hotel Family
Meet Our Boutique Hotel Family
Meet Our Boutique Hotel Family
Meet Our Boutique Hotel Family
Meet Our Boutique Hotel Family
Meet Our Boutique Hotel Family
Meet Our Boutique Hotel Family
Meet Our Boutique Hotel Family
Meet Our Boutique Hotel Family
Meet Our Boutique Hotel Family
Meet Our Boutique Hotel Family
Meet Our Boutique Hotel Family
Meet Our Boutique Hotel Family
Meet Our Boutique Hotel Family

See the Success: Real Results for Real Hotels:


100-Key Hotel 32 32: Boosting Bookings in NYC

Hotel 32 32, nestled in the heart of New York City, embraced our specialized marketing campaigns, unlocking unprecedented growth in both bookings and revenue. By exploring untapped channels, we achieved a remarkable 115.7% uplift in the average reservation value, significantly outperforming the general average.

Hotel image


Additional Reservations
Despite the off-season, the campaign successfully secured 133 extra reservations, demonstrating the potential to increase booking volume during traditionally lower occupancy times.


Average Reservation Revenue
Achieving an average reservation value of $699, compared to the usual $324, during the off-season, Hotel 32 32 experienced a significant 115.7% uplift, underscoring the power of our marketing approach to defy seasonal trends.


Additional Revenues
During the off-season, Hotel 32 32's targeted campaign generated an impressive additional revenue of $92,969, highlighting the effectiveness of strategic marketing even in slower periods.

Increase Direct Bookings Through Metasearch Channels

Check out the impact on Hotel 32 32 NYC's metasearch performance in the attached photo
In the first 4 months of working with Hotel 32 32, we've nearly doubled our revenue compared to the same time last year, with an increase of $70K, all while charging 20% less.

Secure your discovery call

We exclusively collaborate with clients from the hospitality industry and can partner with a maximum of 10 clients per quarter.
Book your call now to secure your spot.
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