
Facebook Ads for Hotels: A How-To Guide to Increase Reservations

Learn how to increase hotel reservations using Facebook ads for hotels with this comprehensive guide on setup, targeting, and ad types.

Facebook Ads for Hotels: Overview, Importance, and Goals

Facebook ads for hotels can dramatically boost your visibility and increase reservations. If you want a quick guide:

  1. Set up an engaging Facebook Business Profile.
  2. Design high-quality visuals and compelling offers.
  3. Use targeted ads to reach specific audiences.
  4. Monitor and optimize your campaigns for maximum return.

Your goal is to make every dollar count by converting travelers as effectively as possible.

Effective use of Facebook ads for hotels is crucial for increasing direct bookings and reducing dependency on Online Travel Agencies (OTAs). Stunning images of your property, exclusive promos, online check-ins, and guest reviews can significantly improve engagement. By understanding your audience and setting clear goals, you can maximize ROI and build a loyal customer base.

My name is Shahar Rubin, the founder of Sail, an innovative AI-driven hotel marketing company. With a background in technology and a focus on increasing direct hotel bookings through Facebook ads, I’m here to help you steer this powerful ad platform.

A guide to Facebook ads for hotels - Facebook ads for hotels infographic brainstorm-4-items

Setting Up Your Facebook Ad Account

Setting up your Facebook Ad account is the first step to tapping into the power of Facebook ads for hotels. Follow these steps to get started:

Create Your Account

  1. Log in to Facebook Business Manager: Use your business email to log in to Facebook Business Manager. This is your hub for creating and managing ads.

  2. Click on "Create Business": Once logged in, click on the "Create Business" button. You will be prompted to fill in your business details.

  3. Fill in Required Details: Enter your business name, your name, and your business email. This will create your Facebook Business account.

Set Up Your Business Profile

Having a strong Facebook Business Profile is crucial. This is where potential guests will learn about your hotel. Make sure to include:

  • Current Contact Details: Ensure your phone number, email, and address are up-to-date.
  • Location Details: Clearly list your hotel's address.
  • High-Quality Images: Use professional images of your property and nearby attractions.
  • Accessible Language: Use language that aligns with your brand and is easy to understand.
  • Links to Other Platforms: Add links to your Instagram, TripAdvisor, and other social media accounts.
  • Consistent Information: Ensure your information matches your profiles on other platforms like Google Business Profile.

Setup Steps

  1. Create a Facebook Page for Your Property: If you haven't already, create a dedicated Facebook page for your hotel. This is essential for running ads.

  2. Go to Ad Manager: Click on the three lines at the top-left corner of the screen in Facebook Business Manager. Select "Ad Manager" under the "Create & Manage" menu.

  3. Click on "Create Ad": In Ad Manager, click the "Create Ad" button to start setting up your campaign.

  4. Define Your Marketing Objective: Choose your marketing objective. For hotels, "Conversions" is often the best choice, as it aims to turn clicks into bookings.

  5. Add Campaign Name: Name your campaign for easy reference.

  6. Create a Split Test (Optional): If you want to test different audiences or ad creatives, enable the split test option.

  7. Enable Campaign Budget Optimization: This helps to optimize your ad spend across different ad sets within your campaign.

  8. Set Up Ad Account: Enter your country, currency, and time zone. This will be used for billing and reporting.

  9. Define Ad Set Name and Target Audience: Choose where you want conversions to happen (e.g., website, app, Messenger). Then, set up your target audience by selecting location, age, gender, language, and detailed targeting options.

  10. Install Facebook Pixel: This is a piece of code you add to your website to track ad performance and conversions. It's crucial for measuring the success of your ads.

Setting up Facebook Ad Account - Facebook ads for hotels

By following these steps, you’ll be ready to launch your Facebook ads for hotels. Next, we’ll explore the different types of ads you can use to increase your reservations.

Types of Facebook Ads for Hotels

Facebook Page Like Ads

Goal: The main goal of Facebook Page Like Ads is to acquire more page likes. This can help build an audience that is interested in your hotel.

Engagement: Be cautious about buying unqualified likes. Facebook's algorithm favors posts that get high engagement. If your audience isn't engaging, your organic reach will suffer.

Tips:- Use high-quality images of your hotel’s best amenities.- Make sure images are centered and cropped correctly.

Facebook Promoted Posts

Reach: Promoted posts can increase the reach of your page’s content. This is useful for reaching an audience that hasn’t yet expressed interest in your page.

Targeting: You can target people who have liked your page, a mix of current and potential fans, or people who haven’t liked your page yet.

Budget: Promoted posts can be run with any budget and for any length of time.

Boosted Posts: Boosted posts are similar but built directly from your Facebook page. They lack some advanced targeting features.

Tips:- Use promotions or giveaways to entice email signups and post engagement.- Create a sense of urgency to spark sales.

Facebook Reach & Awareness Ads

Reach: These ads are perfect if you want to reach as many people as possible within your budget.

Ad Recall Lift: This metric shows how many people remember seeing your ad within two days.

Demand Generation: Use additional metrics to measure the success of these campaigns, like demand generation metrics.

Tips:- Use a compelling video to introduce your hotel.- Set a frequency cap to avoid ad fatigue.

Facebook Lead Generation Ads

High Quality Leads: These ads help hotels acquire high-quality leads for email databases or reservation requests.

Form Creation: Create a form in Facebook Ads Manager. Include a greeting, benefits of signing up, and pre-filled questions like email and full name.

Strategic Targeting: Combine this format with strategic targeting to reach potential guests early in their decision-making process.

Tips:- Test different form fields to find the right balance of information and length.- Retarget users who opened the form but didn’t submit their information.

Facebook Website Click Ads

Drive Traffic: These ads are designed to drive traffic directly to your hotel’s website.

Meta Pixel: Use a Meta Pixel to monitor success and optimize campaigns.

Ad Copy: Test different ad copy and call-to-action buttons to find the best combinations.

Tips:- Highlight deals, promotions, or offers prominently.- Use giveaways and contests to engage fans and collect email addresses.

Facebook Conversion Ads

Conversions: These ads aim to get as many conversions as possible within your budget.

Meta Pixel: Track important events like contact form submissions, room searches, or bookings.

Event Tracking: Use event tracking to optimize ad delivery based on specific actions users take on your website.

Tips:- Implement Search, InitiateCheckout, and Purchase events on your booking engine.- Use custom ad copy for different stages of the conversion funnel.

By understanding these different types of Facebook ads for hotels, you can better tailor your campaigns to meet your specific goals and increase your reservations. Next, we’ll dive into the best practices to make your ads even more effective.

Best Practices for Facebook Ads for Hotels

When creating Facebook ads for hotels, following best practices can make a significant difference in your ad performance. Let's break down the essentials:

High-Quality Visuals

Use Videos Over Images: Videos can generate 25% more views, 480% more clicks, and 270% more leads than static photo ads. Consider showcasing your hotel's amenities, rooms, and local attractions through engaging video content.

Optimize for Mobile: Most users access Facebook via mobile devices. Ensure your visuals are optimized for mobile viewing. Use high-resolution photos and videos that load quickly and look great on smaller screens.

Showcase Unique Selling Points: Highlight what makes your hotel special. Whether it's a stunning beachfront, luxurious suites, or a unique dining experience, make sure these features stand out in your visuals.


Define Your Audience: Clearly identify your target audience. Use demographic data, interests, behaviors, and geographic location to narrow down your audience.

Use Lookalike Audiences: Target lookalike audiences who have a similar profile to your existing customers. This can help you reach potential guests who are more likely to be interested in your hotel.

Retargeting: Use retargeting to show ads to people who have already visited your website but haven't booked yet. Facebook Travel Ads are particularly effective for this.

Budget Planning

Set a Realistic Budget: Allocate your budget based on your campaign goals. You can start small and scale up as you see positive results.

Monitor Spend: Keep an eye on your ad spend to ensure you’re not exceeding your budget. Adjust as needed based on performance metrics.

Ad Scheduling

Be Timely: Schedule your ads to run when your target audience is most active. For instance, if you're targeting business travelers, consider running ads during weekdays.

Seasonal Campaigns: Plan your campaigns around peak travel seasons, holidays, and special events. This can help you capture the interest of travelers during high-demand periods.

Performance Tracking

Use Meta Pixel: Implement a Meta Pixel on your website to track key events like visits, bookings, and form submissions. This will help you measure the effectiveness of your ads.

Monitor Key Metrics: Keep an eye on metrics such as click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, and return on ad spend (ROAS). Use these insights to adjust your campaigns for better performance.


A/B Testing: Test different versions of your ads to see what works best. Experiment with various headlines, ad copy, images, and call-to-action buttons.

Optimize for Conversions: Use event tracking to optimize your ads for specific actions, such as completing a booking. Facebook’s algorithm can help you reach users who are more likely to convert.

Frequency Cap: Set a frequency cap to avoid ad fatigue. This limits the number of times an individual sees your ad, keeping your content fresh and engaging.

By adhering to these best practices, you can maximize the effectiveness of your Facebook ads for hotels. Next, we’ll explore how to target travelers with Facebook ads to ensure your campaigns reach the right audience.

How to Target Travelers with Facebook Ads

Targeting the right audience is crucial for the success of your Facebook ads for hotels. Here’s how to effectively reach travelers using Facebook’s robust targeting options:

Interest-Based Targeting

Interest-based targeting allows you to reach users based on their likes, hobbies, and activities. For instance, you can target people who have shown interest in travel-related pages, such as travel magazines, airlines, or travel bloggers.

Tips:- Use Broad Interests: Start with broad travel-related interests like "beach vacations," "trip travel," or "luxury hotels."- Narrow Down: Refine your audience by layering additional interests, such as "family vacations" or "romantic getaways," to target more specific groups.

Travel Intent

Facebook’s Trip Consideration feature helps you prioritize delivery to users who plan to travel but haven’t decided on a destination yet. This is perfect for capturing potential guests who are in the early stages of planning their trips.

Tips:- Highlight Unique Offers: Showcase special deals or unique experiences that can sway undecided travelers.- Use Engaging Content: Videos and carousel ads can effectively capture the attention of users with travel intent.

Location-Based Targeting

Location-based targeting allows you to show ads to people in specific geographic areas. This is particularly useful for hotels looking to attract guests from certain regions or cities.

Tips:- Local Promotions: If your hotel is hosting a local event or special promotion, target nearby residents and visitors.- Seasonal Campaigns: Adjust your targeting based on peak travel seasons for different regions. For example, target European travelers during their summer vacation period.

Lookalike Audiences

Lookalike Audiences are a powerful tool for finding new potential guests who share similar characteristics with your existing customers. This can significantly expand your reach.

Steps:1. Create a Custom Audience: Start with a list of your past guests or website visitors.2. Generate a Lookalike Audience: Facebook will identify users with similar behaviors and interests.3. Refine Your Targeting: Combine lookalike audiences with other targeting options like demographics and interests for even more precision.

Success Story:One hotel uploaded a list of 2,800 qualified names to Facebook, creating a personalized audience. Using the lookalike feature, they targeted 220,000 people in a specific geographic area. The campaign successfully grew their base of newsletter subscribers and increased bookings.

Combining Targeting Methods

For the best results, combine different targeting methods to create a comprehensive strategy. For example, use interest-based targeting to attract trip travelers and then refine this audience with location-based targeting to focus on those planning trips to your region.

By leveraging these advanced targeting options, your Facebook ads for hotels can reach the right travelers at the right time, increasing your chances of converting them into guests.

Next, we’ll dive into creating compelling ad content that captures attention and drives bookings.

Creating Compelling Ad Content

Creating compelling ad content is essential to capture attention and drive bookings for your hotel. Here’s how to make your Facebook ads for hotels stand out:

High-Quality Images

Visuals Matter: High-quality images are crucial. They can make your hotel look inviting and highlight its best features.

  • Scenic Views: Showcase stunning views from your hotel. Pictures of sunsets, beaches, or cityscapes can be very engaging.
  • Room Amenities: Highlight luxurious rooms and amenities. While they may not get the most engagement, they are essential for showcasing what your hotel offers.
  • Food Photos: Believe it or not, food photos generate a lot of engagement. Feature your best dishes or drinks.

Pro Tip: Use images with minimal text. Facebook recommends that images should have no more than 20% text to ensure better engagement.


Why Videos? Videos can be more engaging than images. They allow you to tell a story and show multiple aspects of your hotel in a short amount of time.

  • Virtual Tours: Create virtual tours of your hotel. Show guests what they can expect from check-in to check-out.
  • Guest Experiences: Share videos of happy guests enjoying their stay. This adds a personal touch.
  • Event Highlights: If your hotel hosts events, showcase them. It can attract guests looking for a venue.

Video ads generate 25% more views and 480% more clicks than photo ads. - Facebook ads for hotels infographic infographic-line-5-steps-dark

Carousel Ads

Interactive and Engaging: Carousel ads allow you to showcase multiple images or videos in a single ad. Users can swipe through different visuals, making it interactive.

  • Room Options: Display different room types and their features in a carousel.
  • Amenities: Highlight various amenities like the pool, spa, restaurant, and gym.
  • Nearby Attractions: Show nearby tourist spots that guests can visit.

Tip: Use a mix of images and videos in your carousel to keep it dynamic.


Seamless Shopping Experience: Collection ads offer a seamless shopping experience directly within Facebook. They are perfect for showcasing your hotel’s offerings.

  • Instant Experience: Use this feature to create a mini-website within Facebook. Visitors can explore rooms, amenities, and book directly.
  • Seasonal Packages: Highlight special packages or deals. For example, feature a "Summer Getaway" collection with discounted rates and special perks.


Make It Personal: Storytelling can make your ads more relatable and memorable.

  • Guest Stories: Share real stories from past guests. How did they enjoy their stay? What made their experience special?
  • Behind the Scenes: Show behind-the-scenes content. Introduce your staff or share how your hotel prepares for guests.
  • Local Culture: Highlight local culture and attractions. Show how staying at your hotel offers a unique experience.

Example: "Meet Sarah, who chose our hotel for her honeymoon. From romantic dinners by the beach to exploring local markets, her stay was unforgettable."

By focusing on high-quality visuals, engaging videos, interactive carousel ads, seamless collections, and compelling storytelling, your Facebook ads for hotels will not only capture attention but also drive more bookings.

Next, we’ll answer some frequently asked questions about targeting hotels on Facebook.

Frequently Asked Questions about Facebook Ads for Hotels

How to target hotels on Facebook?

Targeting the right audience is crucial for the success of your Facebook ads for hotels. Here's how to do it:

  1. Location-Based Targeting: Use geographic targeting to reach people in specific locations. This is especially useful if your hotel is in a popular tourist destination.

  2. Demographics: Specify age, gender, and other demographic details. For example, if you run a family-friendly hotel, target parents.

  3. Interests and Behaviors: Target users based on their interests and behaviors. For instance, aim for users interested in travel, trip, or luxury.

  4. Lookalike Audiences: Create lookalike audiences based on your existing customers. This helps you reach new people who are similar to your best guests.

  5. Custom Audiences: Use custom audiences to retarget people who have visited your website or engaged with your social media pages.

Pro Tip: Use Facebook's Dynamic Ads for Travel to retarget users who have shown interest in your region but haven't booked yet. This feature can help you capture potential guests who are still in the decision-making process.

How do I recommend a hotel on Facebook?

Recommending a hotel on Facebook can help boost its visibility and attract more guests. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Facebook Reviews: Leave a positive review on the hotel's Facebook page. Mention specific details like the quality of service, cleanliness, and amenities.

  2. Share Posts: Share the hotel’s posts on your timeline and add a personal recommendation. For example, "Just had an amazing stay at [Hotel Name]. Highly recommend it for anyone visiting [Location]!"

  3. Tagging: Tag the hotel in your posts and photos. This makes it easier for your friends to find the hotel.

  4. Facebook Groups: Recommend the hotel in relevant Facebook groups. For example, if you're part of a travel group, share your positive experience there.

  5. Messenger: Use Facebook Messenger to recommend the hotel to friends and family. You can share the hotel’s page or specific posts directly.

Do Facebook ads work for Airbnb?

Yes, Facebook ads for hotels can also be effective for Airbnb listings. Here’s how:

  1. Targeting: Use the same targeting options as hotels. Focus on location, demographics, interests, and behaviors to reach potential guests.

  2. Visual Content: High-quality photos and videos are crucial. Showcase the unique features of your Airbnb, such as cozy interiors, scenic views, and local attractions.

  3. Special Offers: Promote special offers or discounts to attract more bookings. Use Facebook ads to highlight these deals.

  4. Retargeting: Use Facebook’s retargeting options to reach people who have visited your Airbnb listing but haven’t booked.

  5. Reviews and Testimonials: Share positive reviews and testimonials in your ads. This adds credibility and encourages more bookings.

Pro Tip: Use Facebook’s Trip Consideration feature to prioritize ads for users who are planning to travel but haven’t decided on a destination yet. This can help you capture a broader audience.

By leveraging these strategies, you can effectively use Facebook ads for hotels and Airbnb listings to increase reservations and drive more bookings.


Using Facebook ads for hotels is a powerful way to boost your reservations and engage with potential guests. From setting up your ad account to targeting the right audience and creating compelling content, each step plays a crucial role in your campaign's success. offers an innovative, AI-driven marketing solution custom specifically for hotels. Our unique model covers ad spend upfront and charges only for the bookings generated. This means no setup fees, no retainer fees, and no long-term commitments. We integrate seamlessly with your existing systems, making the transition smooth and hassle-free.

Final Tips

  1. High-Quality Visuals: Always use stunning images and videos. Photos of food, scenery, and local attractions tend to attract the most engagement.

  2. Targeting: Use geographic, demographic, and interest-based targeting to reach your ideal guests. Custom and lookalike audiences can help you retarget users effectively.

  3. Ad Types: Experiment with different ad types like lead generation ads, website click ads, and conversion ads to find what works best for your hotel.

  4. Engagement: Encourage guests to check in, leave reviews, and share their experiences on Facebook. This builds social proof and increases visibility.

  5. Optimization: Continuously monitor and optimize your ad campaigns. Use Facebook's analytics tools to track performance and make data-driven decisions.

By following these tips and leveraging the power of Facebook ads, you can significantly increase your hotel's reservations and revenue.

Ready to take your hotel's marketing to the next level? Contact today for a free digital marketing evaluation and let us help you boost your direct bookings with our AI-driven campaigns.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance with your Facebook ad campaigns. We're here to help you succeed!

September 10, 2024